Browse Collections (5 total)

Step 1: Death Itself

Fired Clay Statue of Mictlantecuhtli.jpeg

This idea of a "God of the afterlife" is similar to Christian beliefs in Satan. Satan rules over Hell, tormenting souls for all eternity. The…

Step 2: Water and Wrapping

preparing a corpse for burial .jpeg

In the Catholic beliefs, there was to be a pre-burial event where the body was washed, anointed and wrapped in a white textile, which is similar to…

Step 3: Spiritual Aid

Mosaic mask of Tezcatlipoca.jpeg

According to custom, there was to be a symbol of Christianity places with the dead, such as a Cross, or rosary, to protect the body and the soul from…

Step 4: Mourning

aztec art of mourning .jpeg

During the Colonial time period, public mourning was often frowned upon. Due to a high risk of illness or infection, lack of medicine, and high…

Step 5: Burial

Aztec Death Bundle.jpeg

In colonial times, other civilizations, like the Spanish, would bury their dead relatively soon after death because an idea of supposed 'impurity' of…